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Qualified Laser Dentistry in Sydney

laser dentistry

Qualified Laser Dentistry in Sydney

Laser Dentistry with the Picasso Lite Diode, Hoya Versawave Er:YAG dental laser and the advanced Fotona Lightwalker ATS Er:YAG Nd:YAG dental laser

The dental laser is a revolution in dentistry. It has been one of the most significant advances in dentistry of the last few decades, enabling us to perform leading-edge dentistry for our patients.

Dental lasers allow us to perform many dental procedures without needles, drills and the pain of traditional dentistry. We can provide better quality dental care in fewer visits and without the discomforts of the past.

Laser energy is delivered in the form of a concentrated light beam to perform specific functions without rotating instruments or damaging the surrounding tissues. There is little sound associated with laser treatment, a pleasant relief for the dental patient who has experienced the whine of the dental drill.

advanced Fotona Lightwalker

The dental laser can be used for various procedures such as:


With laser dentistry we can remove decay, usually without needles, and restore your tooth to its healthy state with a tooth-coloured filling. There is no vibration, or numbness and you’ll be comfortable the entire treatment.

Laser fillings are done in about the same time as conventional fillings but if multiple fillings are required, the laser will reduce the time spent in the dental chair. And multiple regions of the mouth can be done in the one visit.

We may still need to use a drill such as in the removal of old amalgam or metal crowns. However, lasers can be used to reduce sensitivity and needles may not be required. Lasers will also selectively target areas of decay and not enamel, minimising the amount of tissue removed.

Laser fillings

Laser Periodontal Therapy

Gum and bone disease (periodontal disease) is a common infection that causes bad breath, sore gums, receding gums and bone and loose teeth. Sufferers may be putting their hearts at risk because the bacteria can attach to heart valves. This bacterial infection can also be transmitted to other people in your family through kissing and sharing utensils. A spouse has a 40% risk of acquiring periodontal disease.

Minor gums infections can be treated by ultrasonic and ozone cleaning with a hygienist, but more serious stages of gum disease usually need specialist care with a periodontist. Many times this involves surgery that can be costly and traumatic. The good news is with lasers we can offer more conservative and non-surgical treatment for moderate to serious gum disease. We work closely with a local periodontist to ensure that if results are not achieved with the laser that they are able to assist.

Laser gum disease treatment does not involve cutting and sutures. It is much less invasive, usually painless and without swelling. Healing and recovery are very fast and you don’t need to take extra days off work. This will save you time and money.

laser periodontal therapy steps
Laser periodontal therapy steps.
For more information about Laser Periodontal Therapy and Wavelength-optimised Periodontal Treatment.
Got questions? Ask Dr. Pang

Sensitive Teeth and Fluoride Treatments

Lasers help people who suffer from sensitive teeth. When combined with a fluoride treatment, certain dental lasers can reduce sensitivity for many months. The effectiveness of this treatment varies between patients.

Dental lasers will help occlude the tubules that lead from close to the nerve of the tooth to the surface. They will also assist in the uptake of fluoride within teeth. These enhanced laser fluoride treatments are longer lasting and provide better protection for your teeth against decay.

Gum lifts

During cosmetic procedures we often need to correct the level of the gum before veneers or crowns are made. Your smile is made up of lips, teeth and gums. They should all be in harmony. Usually this procedure is done with scalpels and sutures (especially if bone needs to be adjusted with a drill), and takes six to eight weeks of healing before your veneers or crowns can be made. It is a highly specialised cosmetic procedure that not any dentist can perform.

With laser gum lifts, gum and bone around teeth can be reshaped and balanced quickly and painlessly without sutures or swelling. Often the crowns or veneers can be finished at the time of your appointment or within two weeks.

Crown lengthening

Laser crown lengthening is performed around teeth that are broken or have been filled below the gum line and now require treatment with a crown. For us to be able to clean and bond properly to healthy tooth structure, we need to see the tooth clearly and make sure the bonding doesn’t interfere with the health of your gum and bone. Previously, this procedure would be performed by a specialist, at a separate visit, and require six to eight weeks of healing before crown preparation. Now, crown lengthening and crown preparation can be performed at the same visit, saving both time and money.

Laser Frenectomies and Tongue Ties

Everyone has a muscle attachment (frenum) that connects their lips to their gums. However, when this attachment is too close to the teeth, it can cause a gap (diastema) in between the teeth, usually the front upper teeth and the front lower teeth. Braces or orthodontics will not be able to close the gap without the fibrous frenum being removed.

The frenulum is a piece of tissue that attaches the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. When a baby has a restrictive or tight frenulum it is referred to as an anterior tongue tie, and can impair the ability of the tongue to move properly and may affect breast feeding. Your frenulum may look like a string that holds the tongue in place. You can see your frenulum in the mirror by opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out and up. Many babies can find it difficult to breastfeed if they are tongue tied.
A posterior tongue tie or submucosal tongue tie restricts the tongue from lifting upwards and can make it look like the child has a short tongue. Like an anterior tie, it can be released very quickly and without any complications.

Babies may also have an attachment under their upper lip which restricts the upper lip from flanging and creating a good seal on the breast. This attachment can come down to the ridge where the baby teeth will erupt and hold the upper lip down. Often this results in a blister forming in the middle of the upper lip. Freeing the upper lip tie allows the lip to turn upwards and rest comfortably on the breast creating a better seal.

A person with a tongue tie will commonly have a reduced ability to move their tongue and may not poke their tongue out as far as a normal person. It can also be the cause of speech problems. Lactation specialists, early childhood nurses and speech therapists will often see this and can advise if a laser frenectomy or tongue tie revision is necessary.

The conventional surgery to release frenums/frenulums is quite traumatic, painful and can take a long time to heal. With lasers we can precisely and almost painlessly remove the tissue making it more comfortable for you. There is minimal bleeding afterwards, no sutures and hardly any discomfort. Children go to school the day after and adults can go back to work the same day. Eating is normal and a baby will suckle immediately after the procedure! It truly is an amazing way to have surgery.

Minor surgery

Surgery to remove swellings and soft and hard tissue growths in and around the mouth can be performed quickly and easily with a dental laser.

Minor surgery performed with dental lasers will heal more quickly than conventional treatments. After a laser procedure, the treated area is left sterilised and sealed, and is advanced in the healing process compared to conventional treatments. The removed tissue is then sent for assessment.

Lasers can also be used for the treatment of ulcers, cold sores, haemangiomas, warts, fibroma, excess skin tissue flaps or tags.

Sydney laser dentist

Laser Root Canal Treatments

Effective, Fast, Minimally Invasive Root Canal Therapy.

  1. Extremely high sucess rate with no need to repeat procedures
  2. Single visit to complete the root treatment process
  3. Minimal filing
  4. Preserves much more tooth endoskeleton
  5. Faster, safer, and more efficient

For more information about how the dental laser is used for root canal therapy (RCT) go to Single-visit laser endodontic treatment with PIPS.

tongue before laser endodontic treatment

Tongue before treatment

tongue after laser endodontic treatment

Tongue after treatment

Lingual Frenum Before laser Treatment

Lingual frenum before treatment

Lingual Frenum after laser Treatment

Lingual frenum after treatment

Laser Root Canal Treatments

Effective, Fast, Minimally Invasive Root Canal Therapy.

  1. Extremely high sucess rate with no need to repeat procedures
  2. Single visit to complete the root treatment process
  3. Minimal filing
  4. Preserves much more tooth endoskeleton
  5. Faster, safer, and more efficient

For more information about how the dental laser is used for root canal therapy (RCT) go to Single-visit laser endodontic treatment with PIPS.